Thanks very much for the info you provided. Will check it all out! We are looking forward to this trip and will book the flight tomorrow! Will keep you informed!
Thanks for your note! Yes we are planning a trip in March of next year. We are looking at your "Marin Coast" hike.
We completed a 500 mile hike in Europe Venice to Munich last year which involved Inn to Inn type of hiking. Looks like the Marin Coast is a mini version of that with some very nice scenery!
Thanks very much for the info you provided. Will check it all out! We are looking forward to this trip and will book the flight tomorrow! Will keep you informed!
Best regards,
Mike Marti
Thanks - but we have not got our photos and story together yet - but when we do we will consider this!
I have your dad's detail on the Marin coast trip. We are gathering additional info on it and will schedule the trip shortly!
Best regards,
Michael Marti
Thanks for your note! Yes we are planning a trip in March of next year. We are looking at your "Marin Coast" hike.
We completed a 500 mile hike in Europe Venice to Munich last year which involved Inn to Inn type of hiking. Looks like the Marin Coast is a mini version of that with some very nice scenery!
Best regards,
Micahel Marti