Tom Courtney posted a blog post
We hiked from Laguna Beach to San Clemente with L.A. Times writer, Dakota Kim.  The weather was balmy, the inns charming, the dining exquisite. It was a mid-summer weekend and Angelinos crowded the beaches,  Great for people watching, but we also…

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  • Hi Tom, thanks for your response. We found your email and look forward to taking some of these hikes. Hope you and your family are staying safe and thanks again!

    Mike Davis
  • Hi-

    We did not receive anything on the 12th.  Could you resend to and Thanks so much, looking forward to receiving this info so we can begin planning our trip!


    On Jul 16, 2020, at 9:43 A
  • Tom--Do you have experience with anyone using your books and asking about two things--Sending a box ahead to a final destination so they don't have to carry everything on their backs; and also about how people transit back to their rental car which they left as they began their journey inn to inn? My friend and I would like to use your book (very good, BTW) but need to see if these two things are possible. I assume we can check with our final destination hotel for my first question; but the transport might be an issue. Lyft on the coast of California? thanks, Sue

  • Hi Tom,

    Thanks, I did receive the books. They were sent to my old address. My friend and I will be taking two walks this summer--from her place in SF (staying at the Marin Headlands Hostel the first night) to Pt. Reyes and, later, from Malibu to Newport Beach. Thanks for the inspiration!



  • Thanks Tom for the quick reply. Someday we may do the Northern hikes, but since we live in Southern Cal (Orange County), the Malibu to Mexico is much more practical for us now.

  • Tom, I did check out the site and really enjoyed seeing your daughter and am very impressed by the site. It would be fun to catch up with you and Heidi-
  • Tom:

    Well, you have convinced me! We will do your Walkabout The Marin Coast - Marin Headlands to Point Reyes in March of 2009. I did purchase your "Walkabout" on the hike and wonder if you can tell me where I might find detail trail maps for this hike. Your map on page 2 is a good overview, but I would like more detail. Wonder if you can help?

    Best regards,Mike Marti
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